Monday, April 20, 2009

john boehner on this week

I'm sorry, but HORSEFEATHERS. From his mindblowingly stupid battle with climate change (his argument? If cows have been farting for years, how can carbon dioxide be bad?) to his insistence that Americans are being overtaxed (despite salient analyses from Forbes here and here)...

You are an idiot, John Boehner.

EDIT: I'm tired of George Will. Please stop. Stop with this 'unitary executive' malarky. Please. Just stop.

1 comment:

CoolHandTodd said...

Someone please correct me if I'm wrong but I've never heard the claim made that CO2 is a "carcinogen" as Boehner suggests in this interview.

I think Boehner let his true objection slip, however, when he said this (italics mine):

"It's clear we've had change in our climate," he added. "The question is how much does man have to do with it and what is the proper way to deal with this? We can't do it alone as one nation."

This has less to do with cow farts and more to do with our global competitiveness. He should just come out and say, "It would be foolish for the US to adopt rigorous environmental standards in the face of rising competition from nations notorious for their disregard for the environment (namely China but also India)." Then he wouldn't come off looking like such a turdbucket. Oh wait, he is a turdbucket.