Also, the Wolverine movie comes out this Friday. One guess on whether or not I'm excited. Although I'll NEVER forgive...well, whomever for not making Fatal Attractions into an X-Men movie. It still remains the coolest trade paperback I've ever read, and yes, that includes Watchmen and Dark Knight Returns.
Oh, man, that panel right there is my childhood. And they hinted at it, too, in the first movie, but never really followed through. Had Magneto show that he could tug on the adamantium, and my awkward, nerdy heart totally skipped a beat.
That said, I'm more excited for Star Trek, on account of being so badly burned by the third X-Men movie. It's easier because I have no personal stake in a reboot of the original Trek, which I never really cared for.
ugh. don't get me started on the number of amazing storylines they could have pursued (x-tinction agenda, fatal attraction, age of apocalypse or anything apocalypse related, legacy virus, sentinels, etc), instead opting to totally screw up a perfectly good story line (the 'cure'...is that god loves, man kills?). nevertheless, despite being burned so many times, i bet we could still be suckered into showing up to see x-men 4: the onslaught saga (never going to happen).
man, fatal attractions would have been a great movie. I think I even read an excalibur comic book for this! I still have some of these in a box somewhere.... They could've taken any of the cartoons and made it live action and it would've been better than the slop they put up.
ok, i'm a nerd
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