Friday, September 5, 2008

what new podcasts am i listening to?

uh, because as a scientist, i listen to a lot of podcasts. a.lot. i'm also a podcast whore, so i accept any and all recommendations.

tv shows that work as podcasts:
meet the press - getting to see tom brokaw use his political savvy and experience to disembowel everyone across party lines (most recently eviscerating nancy pelosi about offshore drilling waffling and forcing a stammering tim pawlenty to defend sarah palin) is AWESOME.

real time with bill maher - is he a liberal apologist? well, yes. but he isn't the left-wing bill o'reilly. he doesn't invent facts, he's opinionated but insightful, and he's really funny.

economic and political recaps:
the takeaway (thanks young) - can be a little boring because it repeats itself multiple times, but its a nice bipartisan look at the daily news.

random fun podcasts:
the moth - really fun personal anecdotes running much shorter than this american life. by the way, has anyone seen this live in new york? does the podcast cherry pick the one interesting one from like 12 aspiring novelists reading excerpts from their crappy books, or is it worth attending?

ask the naked scientists - because who doesn't like having fun weird science factoids that you can use to confuse people at dinner parties?

By the way, unemployment continues to rise. downer!

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