Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Blocking Care for Women

is the title of a scintillating Op-Ed by Hillary Clinton. Everyone should read it in full, so I'll just post a few quotes and be done with it. READ THIS. The Bush administration is proposing a new rule that would require any health care entity receiving federal funding to certify that none of its employees are required to assist in ANY MEDICAL SERVICES THEY FIND OBJECTIONABLE.
The new rule would go further, ensuring that all employees and volunteers for health care entities can refuse to aid in providing any treatment they object to, which could include not only abortion and sterilization but also contraception. Astonishingly, the department does not even address the real cost to patients who might be refused access to these critical services. Women patients, who look to their health care providers as an unbiased source of medical information, might not even know they were being deprived of advice about their options or denied access to care.
This is an abomination. Does anyone know how to participate in the 30-day comment period? People at NYU, could we somehow get a comment from higher-ups or something?

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