Friday, September 12, 2008

The View: better journalists than CNN?

Uh, you bet your ass they are. They had John McCain on, and boy, did they let him have it.

Clip 1: Joy Behar flat out asks McCain about his recent campaign ads. McCain offers categorical denials.

Clip 2: Barbara Walters asks specifically what Sarah Palin is going to reform. McCain offers, specifically, everything.

Fun for the whole family! Let's let Joy run the debates! Don't worry, Republicans, McCain got his, releasing yet another negative campaign ad that inspired this response from
The new McCain-Palin ad "Disrespectful" begins like an earlier ad we criticized, with its reference to Barack Obama's celebrity, but then goes down new paths of deception. We've long been a critic of candidates (Obama included) usurping the credibility of independent news organizations and peddling false quotes, and this ad is particularly egregious.

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