Friday, May 9, 2008

listen to sharpton!

that's you, mrs. clinton. swan song time.

many things to talk about, just no time to do it now. but quickly:
1. if you go to great adventure, ride kingda ka and el toro. theyre awesome.
2. gop's "can we ask?" trying to co-opt obama's "yes we can" refrain is awesome. check it out at the times or something. i wish i were in on the marketing meeting that ended up with "can we ask?"
3. myanmar situation is just one more indictment of the UN's best-intentioned shortcomings.
4. turns out the patriots have been cheating for years. somewhere, donovan mcnabb is almost choking on his campbell's chunky soup.
5. slate's political gabfest: good podcast.
6. one of the reasons i love baseball is how fun (i guess this is subjective) it is to quantify player abilities.

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