Friday, May 16, 2008

appease this, asshat.

on a day that the california supreme court became much awesomer, i should be optimistic about social progress.

Apparently not. A few days ago, we had to deal with implications that because a member of the Hamas spoke favorably about Barack Obama, that the reverse was also true. Now, apparently, he's also a Nazi appeaser! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills when I read this stuff. What position exactly is being supported with regards to this situation? Mahmoud Ahmadinejad isn't the only power-hungry troll skulking around with aspirations of sending the world up in flames. If we don't attempt diplomacy, what course does that leave us with, exactly? Maybe we should just bring back manifest destiny. Or maybe President Bush is an asshat, and John McCain, my brief "I guess it wouldn't be so bad" affair with you is quite over. Ass.
On Thursday, Mr. McCain jumped into the fray over Mr. Bush’s remarks and wholeheartedly endorsed the president. “I think that Barack Obama needs to explain why he wants to sit down and talk with a man who is the head of a government that is a state sponsor of terrorism."
Well! Prepare for a slew of new occupancies during the McCain regime! But don't worry, with troops withdrawing 'by 2013' under the McCain 'plan', we should have plenty to spare. Oh, apparently, this is the voice of treason:
“I constantly reject this notion that any hint of strategies involving diplomacy are somehow soft or indicate surrender or means that you are not going to crack down on terrorism.”
On the other hand, cheers to Nancy Pelosi for coming out strongly in support of California's supreme court decision.


Annie said...

Sorry, call me a selective optimist, but I'm commenting on the same-sex stuff and not the mccain-obama horrible-ness.

I just want to encourage everyone to flip through the slide show of that linked NYTimes article. Now if that kind of happiness isn't meant to be, I don't know what is.

Annie said...

Also, here's video of Obama's response: