Tuesday, April 29, 2008

quick links

podcasts i like:
the bugle: awesome political humor with john oliver, one of my favorite guys on the daily show
the b.s. report: the sports guy is a homer for boston sports, but his friends are funny (especially JackO)
this american life: yeah, i like this, like everyone.

blogs i like: fire joe morgan, freakonomics blog

today's link: dummies eating blowfish

today's link/thought: stupid gas taxcut im sorry but stupid cuts resulting in nominal savings for consumers to make it seem like you're looking out for the working class is L-A-M-E. its more defensible for a republican like mccain than for clinton, but in all honesty not defensible for either. and clinton's rove-ian campaign ads "calling out" obama for calling support of this cut what it is (a marketing ploy) is even more lame. and, fyi, i actually like hillary, but in this case, i give her 5 groans out of 5.

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