Wednesday, April 30, 2008

health care!

finally. i was almost starting to like mccain. thank god he unveiled his new health care plan. give consumers a tax break to purchase insurance? 5000 whole dollars? without putting pressure on insurance companies to offer affordable coverage to lower middle class families with chronic disease? sa-weet!

2 salient quotes:
"Democrats had said that his market-driven plan, by not compelling insurance companies to cover people with health problems, would ignore the plight of people who have trouble getting coverage."

"Unlike Mr. McCain, of Arizona, Senators Barack Obama of Illinois and Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York would make it illegal for health insurance companies to deny an applicant because of health status."

honestly. just expand the public health care plan and make larger business cover employees, and eliminate health-status based discrimination. seriously.

duh. other thoughts for this morning:
- facebook scandal implicates a prominent new york school. what do we really think about public vs private education?
- the new yorker takes on the hills???!!!
- will the red sox ever hit well and pitch well at the same time? come on!

1 comment:

Annie said...

Regarding the whole reality tv thing, another interesting criticism I recently heard (on the best podcast ever, RadioLab): professional Laughers-- the extras hired to laugh appropriately in sitcom audiences-- have found themselves increasingly out of work since the popularization of reality tv. And worse yet, many of those former Laughers have reported increased incidence of depression as a result of less laughing (albeit professional) in their lives. Whomp whomp.