Friday, May 15, 2009


let's recap our president's statements from this week. He:

1. won't release photos showing more torture of detainees at guantanamo and other locations, despite (or maybe because) such evidence would make it all the more likely that torture was not the "isolated work of a few" but rather a broadly organized policy with culprits at the highest levels of government (and that includes you, nancy pelosi).
2. is now planning 'military style tribunals' for prisoners held in such locations, most likely because the amount of torture that prisoners were subject to during their holding makes very little evidence obtained actually admissible and would make convictions almost impossible to achieve.
3. has no plans to move on 'don't ask, don't tell' despite the discharge of almost 1,000 service members every year.

So, as Jon Stewart so ably puts it, America is entrenched in a war with stakes so high that torture must be permitted if it gives us any chance at getting the slightest bit of extra information. you would think that in a fight where the stakes are this high...anyone who wants to serve would be welcomed into the fold. nope. sorry gay's not your time.

So, congratulations, president Obama, on a real winner of a week. You're a dick.

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