Monday, December 8, 2008

kudos, but also a kick in the knees

to the new york times.

kudos for today's editorial in which they justifiably rail against the current administration's vendetta against civil liberties under pretenses that are at best spurious and at worst megalomaniacal. here's hoping that the Supreme Court sends a strong message: that the rule of law still has meaning.

kick in the knees to neocon douchebag bill kristol for today's op-ed. I can't believe i have to read his swill instead of getting a glorious dose of paul krugman. in today's swill, he calls small market conservatives naive, and encourages republicans to rally to large-government neoconservatism of which he is an ardent supporter. Don't oppose bailouts - relieve large companies of "burdensome regulations" that will somehow this time not lead to short-term profit maximizing choices by CEOs leading to the necessity for....a bailout. Don't put money into silly public works like building roads and bridges - spend more money on defense! And good god, don't waste any money on "fanciful green investments."


1 comment:

Unknown said...

A Glance Back at the Sub-Prime Crisis:
In case you can't locate Mr. Krugman,
read this badly drawn, nonetheless trenchant, economic cartoon: